It is important that you have this type of motor vehicle insurance coverage. Underinsured Motorist coverage applies when the person, who negligently hurt you, or a resident family member, had automobile liability insurance (but doesn't cover your actual injury and legal damages).
If handled properly, you can collect UIM benefits as soon as it is clear that the value of your claim exceeds the amount of insurance carried by the driver who caused the accident. There have been some very complicated, and very important, legal decisions in Pennsylvania which affect your rights to Underinsured Motorist coverage when the other drivers insurance company still hasn't paid you. You must be very careful about the steps you take with UIM coverage.
Insurance companies generally do not like to pay underinsurance claims. They may refuse to pay you the amount that you deserve. You purchased UIM to protect you and your family against an underinsured driver. Do not let an insurance adjuster deny you this benefit. We can help. Contact us for a free consultation!!!
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